Crowns are placed on teeth after they have undergone root canal treatment to strenghen them. Crowns are also placed on teeth which have very large cavities.

Two commonly used types are :-

1.Ceramic (porcelain) Fused to Metal crown. The strength comes from the metal, and Ceramic gives it the natural look which matches that of the adjacent teeth.

2.Metal Free All Ceramic Crown. The front teeth do not need as much strength as the back ones and the looks are more important here. Metal free ceramic crowns are used here.

The tooth then can be used normally for both looks and for eating.

Ceramic Bridges are used to repalce teeth that have had to be removed for some unavoidable reason. In those cases where a tooth that has been previously removed and needs to be replaced, the commonest, quickest, cost effective and a very efficient option is that of a Ceramic Bridge.

It matches the natural teeth so well both in looks and in function that it becomes a part of the mouth in totality. A Bridge is so comfortable that after a while the person forgets that he has a replaced tooth in his mouth. This is the best testimonial that can be given by any patient.