Cosmetic dentistry or aesthetic dentistry, as it is also known, focuses on improving our teeth’s appearance and aesthetic expression. Cosmetic dentistry is therefore different from traditional dentistry which primarily takes care of purely medical needs.

In a time where our outer appearance is becoming increasingly important for our inner well being both of these specialties play an important role. Together they make us healthier, look better and by doing so also feel better.

At Gagan Dental Clinic, cosmetic dentistry holds a unique meaning. We don’t just mechanically align your teeth but we take into consideration various factors such as age, sex, occupation, personality, expectations, skin colour, eye colour, hair colour and facial features in a harmonious blend to give you a smile that will be the envy of others.

All mild to extreme cases of cosmetic dental corrections are treated will flawless perfection by our reputed panel of cosmetic dentists using the latest techniques in dentistry.
Cosmetic Dentistry covers a broad range of dental services. It typically involves Appearance Related Dentistry. Orthodontics and porcelain crowns / bridges are considered the most traditional ways of smile enhancement simply because they have been in use the longest. We offer comprehensive treatment to improve your smile. We work together with orthodontic specialists and provide all other aesthetic services in our office.

Cosmetic Dental Procedures involve the following treatments:-

1.Porcelain Veneers
2.Instant Tooth Whitening
3.Composite Veneers
4.Recontouring of teeth
6.Aesthetic Full Ceramic Crowns
7.Crown Lengthening
8.Composite restorations and build ups
9.Gum depigmentation