What are dental veneers?

Dental fluorosis is a cosmetic condition that results when a child under eight consumes too much fluoride while the teeth are forming. The fluoride interferes with the proper crystalline development of tooth enamel, causing hypo mineralization. Spotted, discolored teeth are common into adulthood, even when dental hygiene rules are followed. The condition is not reversible, and treatmentis limited to cosmetic dental procedures.

Seemingly beneficial actions can cause dental fluorosis to develop. Exposure to excess fluoride can begin in infancy if parents often give fluoride drops to the baby. Small children may swallow toothpaste containing fluoride, causing irreversible damage to the enamel of the developing teeth. Drinking water containing fluoride may cause elevated fluoride levels over time, resulting in cosmetic changes to the teeth

Bleaching (Teeth whitening) for Removing Teeth Stains:

Teeth whitening through the application of chemical agents is known as bleaching. Bleaching can be categorized as follows:
1.Vital bleaching,
2.Non-vital bleaching,
3.In-Office bleaching,
4.Walking bleaching and
5.Night guard Vital bleaching.

Treatment of discoloured teeth

In children, the adult incisor teeth may be discoloured for various reasons e.g. trauma or developmental defects. Children with discoloured or malformed front teeth may be self conscious and socially affected.

It is very important to improve the appearance of unsightly teeth to restore confidence during formative childhood & teenage years. As teeth and gums are immature, the most conservative options are used, avoiding removal of tooth tissue, leaving all treatment options open for the future if required e.g. veneers and crowns.