Few people want to have their teeth extracted just to look better. But when restoring the teeth is impossible because there is simply not enough tooth structure left, dentures are an alternative.

It is important from a cosmetic standpoint, however, that you need not allow too much time to lag between tooth loss and tooth replacement. Tooth loss causes the face to collapse and the mouth to sink in. At the same time, the nose appears to drop down towards the chin. Deep lines begin to from in the creases of this collapses skin, adding years to the face.

Full dentures can make you look younger because there is almost no limit to what the dentist can create with them.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are measured for size with the natural teeth intact, and they are placed the same day as your remaining teeth are extracted. With this type of denture, you skip the try in stages that accompany the fitting of other models. Because gums and bone tend to shrink after extraction, these dentures may become loose.

Conventional Dentures

Fitting conventional dentures typically requires three to six office visits after all of the teeth have been removed and the tissue has healed. It is up to you during these visit to pass judgment on the fit and look of the dentures. Your dentist will advise you on color, tooth type and lip position. If the color is too white, the dentures will look artificial.

Will it be difficult to wear a full or partial denture?

image Replacing missing teeth should make eating a more pleasant experience. Start out by eating soft foods that are cut into small pieces. Chew on both sides of the mouth to keep even pressure on the denture. Avoid foods that are extremely sticky or hard. You may want to avoid chewing gum while you adjust to the denture.
Partial dentures are generally easy to wear and easy to get used to. Full dentures are not, especially full lower dentures. It has been said that 80% of people with upper dentures are very happy, while 20% are unhappy wearing full dentures. The opposite is true of lower full dentures, 80% are unhappy while 20% are pleased. Dental implants can improve the wear ability of lower dentures. Both full and partial dentures require time for you to adapt. Often several adjustment are required to get the fit exactly right. Because different thicknesses of gum tissue compress differently, small "sore spots" may develop as the denture rests upon your gums. Please do not try and tough it out. Call and come in for included adjustments to the denture. Over time, additional adjustments of the denture may be necessary. As you age, your mouth naturally changes, which can affect the fit of the denture. Your bone and gum ridges can recede or shrink, resulting in a loose-fitting denture. Partial Dentures that do not fit properly should be adjusted. Loose dentures can cause various problems, including sores or infections. Call us promptly if your denture becomes loose.

Can I make minor adjustments or repairs to my partial or full denture?

You can do serious harm to your partial denture and to your health by trying to adjust or repair your denture. A denture that is not made to fit precisely by a dentist can cause irritation and sores. Using a do-it-yourself kit can damage the appliance beyond repair. Glues sold over-the-counter often contain harmful chemicals and should not be used on a denture.

If your denture no longer fits properly, if it breaks, cracks or chips, or if one of the teeth becomes loose, call us immediately. In many cases, we can make necessary adjustments or repairs, often on the same day. Complicated repairs may require that the denture be sent to a special dental laboratory.